
Respiratory Protection Products

Legend / Description


FFP1: protects against dusts in concentrations up to 4x MAC, no pr otection against carcinogenic and radioactive substances as well as airborne biological substances of risk groups 2 and 3 as well as enzymes. Protection against non toxic dusts from gypsum, graphite, cement, plaste, pollen, metallic file dust
FFP2: protects against dusts in concentrations up to 10x MAC, no pr otection against radioactive substances and airborne biological substances of risk group 3 as well as enzymes. Protection against middle toxic dusts from abestos, chromium, copper, titanium, hardwood, welding and soldering
FFP3: protects against dusts in concentrations up to 30x MAC.
The maximum allowable concentration indicates the concentration from a substance that is acute or chronic harmful for the health in general are not expected. The limits are based on existing occupational health and toxicological findings. Protection agaist toxic dusts from beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, radium, radioactive particles

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